Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Literary Gladiators: Episode 16- The Christmas/Holiday Special

I was eager to film an episode of Literary Gladiators to which we had an episode centered around works that spark a sentiment to which we find around the holiday season. This was a three-panel episode, since Jim was unable to show up to this particular taping. I originally had the idea of having Jim dress up as Santa and tell his limericks, but instead, based off of a fan's suggestion, had Charlie portray the role instead. This was indeed one of the zaniest episodes in the series, so I can promise you that this is a treat for the season! Danielle was the guest on this episode and she did a decent job as possessing a personality that, along with my own, contrasted Charlie's antics for this episode. Perhaps explaining "The Gift of the Magi" to Charlie proved to be a treat and a half as well. We even had a passerby peeking in to the room, because he could hardly believe that some guy dressed as Santa was sitting in one of the rooms where we taped the episode.

This is the tenth episode of the season, but the last one we taped. We taped all of the other episodes in the summer, while I felt this one needed more preparation. When all was said and done, it was worth the wait!

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanza, Glorious Yuletide, or just a Happy Holiday! If you have time, check out the other episodes of the show and if you are enjoying them, subscribe to the channel for updates on videos for new episodes.

Episode 16- Christmas/Holiday Special

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